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Ever Since Yogesh read Robert Kiyosaki's 'RICH DAD, POOR DAD' over 15 years ago, he has been a big advocate of MSPI, Multiple Streams of Passive Income. He has researched obsessively and actioned different strategies for creating Passive Income. He is now going to share all is knowledge and expertise of the best MSPI strategies using Ecommerce & Property, all which he is currently active in.

I mean who wouldn't want to earn passive income. Earning money whilst on holiday, whilst working on other projects, whilst doing anything apart from having to turn up at an office from 9 am to 6 pm. 

Join Yogesh's 1 to 1 Property &/or Ecommerce Master Classes.



Yogesh will show you how to purchase Below Market Value Properties without putting any money down or leaving money in the deal. This is one investment strategy he has studied, obsessed about, and come up with a unique strategy which he is implementing on a daily basis, both to grow his own portfolio and that of a selected few investors who have taken the effort and time to approach him. Specifically, Yogesh will show you how to:

 - Source Below Market Value Properties. 25% minimum BMV.

 - How to negotiate the property purchase.

 - How to fund the property purchase not using any of your own funds if you prefer not too.

 - How to leave none of your own funds in the property deal. 

 - How to achieve a high yield investment, with an infinite Return on Investment.

 - How to build a profitable property portfolio. 

 - Deal Packaging & Attracting Investor funding.

 - Achieving good returns from unique commercial property investing.

Ever since Yogesh started purchasing properties using gifted deposits (no money down deals) over 10 years ago, he prefers to grow his personal property portfolio by not leaving any of his own funds in property deals. He will share this strategy with you, and introduce you to his team who help him to make this happen.


Having had a solid track record of building/project managing ecommerce businesses from scratch for himself and clients (SMEs to multinationals) Yogesh will teach his experience and skills in the following areas:

1. Easily and quickly sourcing, listing, translating, marketing, selling, fulfilling, price checking an unlimited amount of products in any industry via all the major and minor global marketplaces, and your own website. This really is a license to print money, and Yogesh is frequently setting up such end to end automated ecommerce systems.

2. Choosing which products to sell.

3. Digitally Marketing your website effectively and economically, and also improving your site SEO.

4. Using affiliate marketing and blogging to earn passive income. This works two ways, Yogesh will show you how to sell your products using affiliate marketing, and also how to earn money by being an affiliate. 

5. Using your online retail space to make money through programs like Adsense, Amazon Associates, etc.

6. Mentorship packaging. Have a skill, talent, knowledge and experience which could make a positive difference to people's lives ? Then become a mentor. If people will learn, or make money from your mentorship, they will be willing to pay to learn the set of skills you possess.

8. Product royalties. Earn a commission every time a new product is sold in shops or online. Yogesh will specifically show you how to sell your products into stores like Amazon, Argos, Boots, JD Sports, Selfridges, and John Lewis, to name but a few.

9. Licensing and sub-licensing of celebrity endorsed products. Doesn't have to be celebrity endorsed, can be any product, but Yogesh's personal experience has been celebrity endorsed products.

All Masterclasses are held 1 to 1. Normally waiting list, so if of interest book in early.

CONTACT YOGESH for further details or BOOK IN A FREE STRATEGY CALL with Yogesh to discuss.

Join Our MSPI Master Class

property for financial freedom

2017 Property for Financial Freedom 

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